in our office or online therapy

Why Choose HAPPYMIND Hypnotherapy?
Gregge Stewart, M.A.CHt, MANLP is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist/NLP and a recognized expert in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. He is an intuitive listener who is devoted to helping motivated clients realize their full potential, access their inner power, and create a superior quality of life.​
As a lifetime scholar of psychology and the human mind, he has always been fascinated by the power of our thoughts, why we do what we do, and how we motivate ourselves to make lasting changes and improvements in our lives. ​
Gregge used hypnosis/NLP for himself to break a 15 year habit after only ONE session. He also used it to increase motivation to go to the gym 5 days a week and lose 15 lbs both of which hypnotherapy allowed him to accomplish with ease. After this personal and powerful experience, he realized his purpose was to help others achieve their goals with the power of hypnotherapy.
Gregge was trained by some of the finest instructors and seasoned hypnotherapists in the world. He also holds a Certification from the Life Coaching Mastery University from Anthony Robbins, a Masters in Ericksonian Hypnosis, and a Licensed Masters in Neurolinguistic Programming. Gregge is also a Certified Therapist and member of the American Alliance of Hypnotherapist under Dr.Steve G. Jones,ED.D Association (AAH), where he holds specialized certifications in:​
Hypnosis & Pain Management
Hypnosis & Weight Loss
Smoking Cessation
Pre & Post Surgery Hypnosis
Sports Hypnosis and Peak Performance
Hypnosis and Attention Deficit Disorder
Happy Mind Hypnotherapy offers a confidential Complimentary 20 minute Phone Consultation so you can speak directly with Gregge Stewart, M.A., get all of your questions answered and decide if hypnotherapy is right for you.
​4 Important Facts About Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis
Medical Research Supports Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
In recent years, hypnosis and hypnotherapy have become accepted medical therapies to address a variety of conditions. Researchers and professors in universities such as Stanford, Harvard, University of Califorina, Los Angeles, and Penn State, just to name a few, have conducted clinical studies on hypnosis and found that hypnosis does in fact alter the brain and can be used for a multitude of conditions.
How Hypnotherapy Works
​Hypnotherapy uses the techniques of hypnosis in a clinical and therapeutic setting to provide meaningful change to the belief systems and automatic programming that reside in the client's subconscious mind. A trained hypnotherapist, after inducing a hypnotic state, can positively alter the beliefs, associations and programming in the client's subconscious mind directly through the power of hypnotic suggestion. This can produce permanent and meaningful positive change in just a few sessions.
The Process of Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis
Hypnosis is an extremely comfortable, peaceful and calm feeling. In our sessions here in Orlando, you will stretch out in a comfortable recliner while your body is extremely relaxed but your mind is aware. You will feel a sense of rejuvenation and mental realignment after a hypnotherapy session. ​
Uses and Applications of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
​Most people know that hypnotherapy can help people quit smoking and lose weight. However, hypnotherapy can also help you to become better at public speaking, increase confidence, and can help with many other different issues including anxiety, anger, procrastination, improving fitness and health, increasing motivation, overcoming obsessive thoughts, nail biting, ADHD, and many other afflictions, problems, and disorders. Therapeutic hypnosis gets to the root of the issue and help you break free from the thoughts and behaviors that are holding you back.
What Is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a focused state of awareness where the body is fully relaxed, but the mind is awake. This state allows the hypnotherapist to access your subconscious mind where the positive change and transformation you desire for yourself can start to take place through the use of hypnotic suggestions.
Hypnosis is a completely natural state. In fact, we all go in and out of hypnosis throughout the day. Have you ever been driving and missed your exit on the freeway? Or, been deeply absorbed in a movie and forgot you are actually in a room full of strangers watching a projected image of actors on screen? Perhaps you've zoned out and daydreamed while someone was talking to you. All of these are all examples of being in a state of hypnosis.
What Hypnosis is NOT
When most people hear the word "hypnosis" they think of swinging watches and the hypnotists telling someone to bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken on command. While that kind of hypnosis does exist, it is for the sole purposes of entertainment that you would find on the stages of a Las Vegas show.
This is very different from clinical hypnotherapy. You are completely alert and in full control of your mind and body while in the hypnotic state. You can hear, speak, and even walk around. Your body is relaxed and comfortable. You will never be asked to disclose any secrets or do anything you do not want to do. At Westside Hypnotherapy, hypnosis is strictly used as a healing tool.
Does hypnotherapy really work?
Absolutely. In recent years hypnosis and hypnotherapy has become an accepted medical treatment to address a wide variety of issues and conditions. Researchers and professors in universities such as Stanford, Harvard, and Penn State, just to name a few, have conducted clinical studies in hypnosis and found that hypnosis does in fact alter the brain and can be used for a multitude of conditions. At Happy Mind Hypnotherapy we have been extremely successful in using hypnotherapy to help our clients with a multitude of issues including improving self confidence, helping them to stop smoking, achieving significant weight loss, reducing or even eliminating anxiety. Hypnotherapy is an extremely powerful and effective tool and it's results are long lasting.
What does it feel like?
Hypnosis is a very comfortable, peaceful and pleasant feeling. Your body is extremely relaxed but your mind is aware. You will feel a sense of rejuvenation and feel refreshed after a hypnotherapy session in our Orlando office.
Will I lose control of myself?
Absolutely not! Hypnosis is a way of giving you more control, not less. You cannot be hypnotized unwillingly, and you cannot be prompted to do something that is outside of your moral code or say or reveal anything you do not want to.
Can I get stuck in hypnosis?
No, you are able to come out of hypnosis any time you wish. You can no more get "stuck" in hypnosis than you can get "stuck" awake or "stuck" asleep. ... For practical reasons, as hypnotherapists we do explicitly end our clients' trances, but if we didn't the clients would naturally either return to full alertness or fall asleep.
How does hypnosis work?
When you are in a hypnotic state, your conscious mind has been relaxed. This allows the hypnotherapist to work directly with your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind holds all of our "programming", much like a computer. You can "know" in your conscious mind that you want to make a change and be determined to make that change, but if your"computer is programmed" to keep doing what you are doing it will be nearly impossible to make lasting change unless you change the programming. That's precisely what hypnotherapy will accomplish.​
Does insurance cover it?
Although we do not accept insurance, there are some insurance companies that will reimburse you for a portion of your sessions. We can provide you with a receipt for you to submit to your insurance company if they do cover hypnotherapy.
What happens in the first hypnotherapy session?
In the first session, you will fill out an intake form and we will discuss the issue or issues you want to focus on and what your goals are. We will then have a brief conversation about hypnosis and how the mind works. I will then conduct some simple tests that will help me determine your suggestibility; which is how you learn and accept suggestions. .After that I will put you into a very relaxed hypnotic state and make suggestions to your subconscious mind based upon your goals and the issues you want to focus on. I will then awaken you to a fully awake and aware state feeling refreshed and relaxed.