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Increase Self Worth

Five Ways To Increase Self Worth

Do you notice that you feel self conscious in social situations when everyone around you seems to be relaxed and having a good time? Do you struggle with your sense of self worth and confidence when you're meeting new people? If you're finding yourself searching for how to be more confident, you're in the right place. At Times In Need Online Therapy, we're able to work with you to increase self worth, build confidence, and help you project the fact that you believe in yourself. Let's take a look at some of the self development skills we teach our clients when they're wondering how to be more confident.



You can use visualization at any time to help boost your confidence and help yourself start becoming a happier version of yourself. If you're able to close your eyes, that can help with visualization process. Imagine your most confident self. How are you walking? What are you wearing? How have you styled your hair? How do you speak? How do you make eye contact with others? Do you initiate conversations? Even if some of these things aren't achievable for you right now, imagining your most confident self can go a long way in helping you emulate self worth.



Think about a few things you love about yourself, just as you are right now. Remind yourself of these things, and add to the list regularly. It can be helpful to keep a list of affirmations in your phone, adding to the list as you develop your confidence. Reminding yourself that you're a great friend, a caring parent, a hard worker, or an optimistic person can help you remember that you're a likable, fun soul. It can also help to repeat affirmations of who you wish to be. When you tell yourself that you're confident, self assured, and have high self worth, you will start to act in a way that confirms those beliefs.


Question your negative thoughts.

When you start to get down on yourself, ask, "Is that really true?" Stopping the cycle of self hate is the first step in beginning to love and appreciate yourself. For example, if you're hesitant to speak up in a work meeting, you may be telling yourself that no one wants to hear your idea. When you ask yourself if that's really true, you'll affirm that no, of course that's not true - the purpose of a meeting is to hear ideas. When you examine your negative thoughts and beliefs, you open up space for new thoughts and beliefs.


Celebrate small wins.

No one goes from struggling with self confidence to being on top of the world over night, and it's key to celebrate small wins along your self confidence journey. This may mean giving yourself some credit when you do something that's hard for you, like engaging in small talk with a stranger. It could mean giving yourself permission to enjoy a night of Netflix after attending a social outing that you were nervous about. Giving yourself permission to celebrate the little stuff can go a long way in your journey to self confidence.


Practice self care.

Caring for yourself is not selfish - it's a necessary part of a healthy life. When you care for your body and your mental health, you'll feel better prepared to face the world, and self confidence will come more easily to you. This doesn't mean you need to look like a supermodel - regular exercise, hygiene, and wearing clothes that flatter your appearance are great ways to quickly boost your confidence.

If you're struggling to increase self worth, you don't have to go it alone. At Times In Need Online Therapy, your Online Personal Coaching go to, we're here to help. Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you use self development skills to increase your confidence and self esteem. 



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